We continue to get news about the tragedy in Portopique and across Nova Scotia. I thought I'd offer a short reflection and prayer in honour of the fallen and in support of those of us left behind.
One of my favourite hymns, 'On Eagle's Wings,' reminds us of the steadfastness of God's love in the face of tragedy, evil, and crises.
The following is a prayer offered by Rev. Penny Nelson, who serves the community of Tatamagouche and the area that encompasses Portopique. Take a moment to read this slowly and aloud.
Holy God, Hear the prayers of our hearts this evening. We pray for those who have died in the shootings this weekend, that their souls might find love and peace in your presence. Sustain and uphold all those who are grieving this night, including those who have not yet received word of a loved one's safety. Strengthen with your presence all who are numb with fear and distress, and enfold us all in your love, protection, and care, O God. All this we ask, in Jesus' name. Amen.

Please consider placing a candle in your window People across the country are doing this as a signal of solidarity and compassion for all those affected by this tragedy in Nova Scotia. Battery-operated ones are ideal (and safer). If you use a real candle, please be careful and never leave a burning candle unattended.
May we know the love of God's presence with us today, tomorrow, and always.
It was so dreadful hearing the news from Portopique that I had to stop listening but today, Dan, I found your prayerful reflection and it was very helpful. Along with the music and prayer it was an offering for a deeply hurting community that we could share.
Thank you!