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I don't know how to pray, is that ok?

Popes and saints, ministers, and mystics, (i.e., those who should know how to pray) all have struggled with what it means to pray. And most of us still wonder whether we’re doing it ‘right.’  So in prayer, relax, and let your mind be open to whatever God might be saying to you. A wise man once said that ‘Silence is the language of God.’ In prayer, we often worry whether we use the right words or have the right ‘technique.’ The truth is, prayer is simply letting yourself be vulnerable in the moment, bringing your joys and heartaches to God, and being open to what might be.


That said, at St. Paul’s we share times of prayer in silence, in spoken words, in music, and in community time, when people get a chance to name places, people, and situations that are cause for concern, joy, or mindfulness.


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