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Zoom Meetings




“ZOOM” is a really easy to use platform that allows people to talk to each other using their computer – just like those futuristic video phones predicted in the Jetsons!


At St. Paul’s we’re using ZOOM for prayer groups, meetings, and other ways of keeping us connected during this period when we’re supposed to practice ‘physical distancing.’  Rev. Dan may use it for Sunday Worship, but for the present, check out for Sunday Worship.


If you are new to ZOOM, we recommend you try to connect early, so we can help you through the process, or arrange a time with Rev. Dan to guide you through it one-on-one (that ways, we can use the phone at the same time to work together). 


You will need a computer / laptop  / tablet (iPad), or smart phone equipped with a microphone and a camera.  And, of course, an internet connection.


Each device is different, offering different places to adjust settings whether you join by iPad, iPhone, Android, computer, or laptop, and some of the functions may not be the same. My best experience has been using a computer / laptop.


Connect by iPad, iPhone, Android, Computer, Laptop:


The main settings you want to find are the MICROPHONE and VIDEO icons. Look at the bottom of this picture (on different devices, the menu could appear in the centre of the screen, or on the top of the screen … this is a laptop/desktop view):


What is important to know from this Zoom screenshot is the ICONS or control buttons. Starting from the Left of the bar along the bottom:

MICROPHONE to turn on or off (mute) your microphone.  It’s usually a good idea to keep it muted so the noises around you (dog barking, baby crying , clock bonging, trucks beeping, etc.) don’t get into the meeting.


VIDEO CAMERA to turn on or off your camera. If you turn it on, everyone can see you (Yay!), and this is best. Turn it off if you or your house are a mess.


The next three you won’t need – Invite (to send an invitation to someone by email), participants (the number of guests), and Share Screen (an option to share to the group an image or slide you would like to share).


CHAT allows you to chat to the group or privately.  If you are having trouble or have a question please put it in the chat box and someone will respond to you.  When you click on the CHAT button, a space will appear (usually on the right side of the screen and you’ll see chat message that people in the meeting are sending.  At the bottom of that space is a place for typing your own chat (you can send it to the whole group or privately to an individual).


To leave the meeting just click on the words LEAVE MEETING and it will exit you out of the meeting.  If you need to get back just click on the meeting link you were sent from the email notice once again to return.


At the top you will find the button that says either “GALLERY VIEW” or “SPEAKER VIEW” This looks either like 9 dots in a square, or a rectangle with three dots. You can toggle between the views whenever you like. “Speaker view” gives a bigger picture of the person talking and “gallery view” is the best to see many participants at once.


If everyone has their microphone on, ZOOM is listening to all the microphones and will highlight the person who is the loudest, and attempt to drown out the others.  Sometimes this is fun, and other times not.


When You Join a Zoom Meeting:


At some point, either through email or on Facebook, you will have a link to join a Zoom Meeting (at this point, they’re usually coming from Rev. Dan).  Click on the link, and a couple of things may happen:


  • You may be asked to download an app from  Go ahead and do that.

  • You may be asked to open the app and then to join the meeting. Go ahead and do that!

  • You may be asked to allow access to your microphone and camera. Go ahead and do that!!


And you should be in the meeting! Some of this you will only have to do the first time you use ZOOM, and if you’re joining meetings set up by Rev. Dan.


Make sure your microphone and video is ON by clicking the buttons to remove the red line and do the same for the start video icon.  You should be able to hear, see and talk to the other participants. To leave the meeting you just click the words LEAVE MEETING.  If you need any help just put a comment in the chat box and we will troubleshoot any issues you may be having.


Enjoy connecting with your St. Paul’s family and friends in this new way. It’s fun!


Questions? Don’t hesitate to contact the office.


Thanks to Emily Gordon for sharing her Zoom Basics doc that helped form the basis of this page.

Zoom logo.png
zoom screenshot.png
Note the control buttons along the bottom of the screen.
zoom screenshot 2.jpg
You see all the participants in 'Gallery View.'
Zoom Screenshot 3.jpg
Note the 'chat' window on the right.

200 McIntosh Street, Scarborough, Ontario, M1N 3X3

Phone Number: 416-261-4222


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