Blessing and Gratitude for our Pets.
Sunday, October 18th, 2020. Preamble / info. In these times that can be so challenging and difficult, it is absolutely essential that we...
Blessing and Gratitude for our Pets.
I Give Thanks for the Lord, My Shepherd.
Whose Commandments?
Impatient for water.
Pass the Doughnuts
It Takes All Kinds.
Where Two or Three are Gathered
Pick up my Cross?
Who are you, and what's your secret?
I'm Back.....
Jacob Wrestles God
Parable of the Lost Son
We share worship with SBUC.
Of Parables, Seeds, and Boats.
Give Me a Rest.
Just Some Water, Please.
Whose Life Matters?
Second Sunday After Pentecost
Trinity Sunday
Pentecost: Light my Fire.