Christmas Eve/Day Family Service: Christ is Born!
Thursday, December 24th / Friday December 25th, 2020 Welcome to Christmas! Unto us a child is born! Unto us a son is given! He will...
Christmas Eve/Day Family Service: Christ is Born!
Advent Four: Love is a Flame.
Advent Three: Joy is a Song.
Advent Two: Peace is a Ribbon
Advent One: Hope is our Star.
Reign of Christ: Make a Joyful Noise!
It's Not About When, But How.
The Sacred Act of Remembrance, Remembrance Day 2020.
For All the Saints: The Beatitudes.
Love your Neighbour as Yourself -- Even on Hallowe'en
Blessing and Gratitude for our Pets.
I Give Thanks for the Lord, My Shepherd.
Whose Commandments?
Impatient for water.
Pass the Doughnuts
It Takes All Kinds.
Where Two or Three are Gathered
Pick up my Cross?
Who are you, and what's your secret?
I'm Back.....